Preparing an Ideal Food Hamper

Are you looking for a personalized gift for your loved one’s birthday? How about preparing a food hamper? Birthday hampers in Jakarta are among the most popular personalized gifts that can surely hit the heart of the recipient. They are available in different sizes and themes. 

Birthday hampers in Jakarta

Though you can simply buy a pre-packed food hamper from a local cake and gift store in Jakarta like Dore by Letao Menu, your recipient will appreciate it more if you make one on your own. This way, you can be sure that all the items you include on the hamper tailor to the taste and preference of your recipient. Adding extra effort, time, and personal touch to your hamper gift can make it more special. 

Making your own food hamper is quick and easy. Personalized hampers are also often less expensive than those offered at a hampers store. You can also easily fit it into your budget. Here are a few helpful tips on how to prepare an ideal food hamper. 

Plan Ahead 

Planning is an essential part of creating your own hamper. Before starting to buy and collect food items that you will place in the hamper basket, do some research and plan first. 

Consider the likes, dislikes, and taste preferences of your recipient

Check the likes and dislikes of your recipient in terms of foods as well as his taste preferences. This way, you can be able to avoid adding some food items that your recipient won’t appreciate. 

Then, list down the items that you want to include in the hamper. It can be easy to forget things when you are already at the gift and cake store in Jakarta. So, having a list on hand will help you avoid missing some items. 

Never include leftover

There is nothing wrong with wanting to give some of your leftover food items to others. However, do it on other occasions. Unless you want your recipient to feel bad about the hamper he received, never include any leftover regardless of whether it is extra stuff on your pantry or an unused condiment on your store’s shelf. 

Consider the packaging

The packaging can either make or break your gift. A food hamper is more than just what’s inside. It is also about the overall look and presentation. There are different packaging options you can use for your food hamper. If you want sturdy, less expensive, and presentable packaging, you can use a wicker basket. The best thing about wicker baskets is that they come in different shapes and sizes and they are also readily available. You can find just the right size and shape of a wicker basket for your customized hamper gift. For heavy or large items, you can use a sturdy cardboard box covered with wrapping paper. 

Decorate your food hamper

Fill the spaces between the food items and line the basket with some shredded paper. This will not only protect the items on the basket from getting damaged but can as well enhance the looks of your hamper. You can opt to cut some bond papers into strips or buy a pack of colored shredded paper. If you want your hamper to look luxurious, you can use metallic-colored shredded papers like silver and gold. 

Complete the look of your hamper by wrapping it with simple acetate cellophane or a decorative cellophane wrap. Then, tie a pretty ribbon either at the top or around the basket. 


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